
Locksmith Tool Development
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Ormskirk we believe in lifelong learning and also enjoy history and although locksmith tools dont change much over the years perhaps one of the game changers has been lishi tools. Today’s Original Lishi tools (the one pictured is Lishi Style not an original) are the brain child of Zhi Qin Li. known as Mr Li These amazing tools were invented in early 2000 in response to the need to help his locksmith friends and his trainees. Originally designed to open car locks these tools have now been developed to open domestic cylinder locks and although they help locksmiths they still require some skill and knowledge to use.

Door Dropped In Ormskirk ? We Can Help
If your finding it harder to lock your door then it could be due to the multipoint lock on you upvc door is not lining up correctly with the keeps on the door frame this is commonly termed as the door dropping. One way to check this is to simply look at the mitre joints at the corner of the door as the photo above and if they do not line up then you know that its likely that your door has dropped. Another way to check if its an alignment issue is to open the door then try and lock the door with the door open. If the lock works okay then you know its a alignment issue. Re-aligning a door is less expensive than replacing a full lock. If you would like a quote then call Pam or Derek of Lockkeys Locksmiths Ormskirk on 07967 778940 we are here for our customers.

Solving UPVC Door Lock Problems In Ormskirk
Our locksmith in Ormskirk Derek has been working on upvc doors since 2009. This is not surprising when you work out that over 70 percent of all doors in the UK is now of this type. Dont struggle locking your door like the customers door above. Call Lockkeys Locksmiths Ormskirk on 07967 778940 and speak with Pam or Derek as we provide no obligation free quotes.

Problem Locks In Ormskirk ? Dont Diy
If you have a problem lock in Ormskirk then please dont let a relative or friend have a go at sorting out the lock unless they actually know what they are doing. This customer had snapped a key in the garage door lock and allowed a friend to have a go unsuccessfully. Fortunately this customer stopped the friend for making it worse and damaging the inside of the garage door lock and called us out. We opened the door and replaced the lock within about 15 minutes. At Lockkeys locksmiths Ormskirk we provide no obligation quotes give Pam or Derek a call on 07967 778940 we are here for our customers.

Nightlatch Replacement In Ormskirk
Nightlatches commonly known as "Yale Locks" are still found on many wooden doors normally found combined with a British Standard deadlock or sashlock they offer a good standard of defence. However over time with slamming the door the nightlatch can become loose and if not sorted out can break like this one did.
At Lockkeys Locksmiths Ormskirk we stock these locks as standard stock. If you need a quote for a lock replacement then call Derek or Pam at Lockkeys Locksmith Services on 07967 778940 we answer our phone between 0800-2000 every day except Christmas Day.

Are Your Mortice Locks Insurance Preferred ?
When taking out or renewing your home insurance policy you will probably be asked if you have BS3621 locks on your doors. This is referring to wooden doors with mortice locks on them. Our Locksmith in Ormskirk Derek has kindly done this video so that you can better identify whether or not you have a BS3621 insurance preferred lock on your doors. I you would like a no obligation quote to upgrade you mortice locks then call Derek or Pam at Locksmiths Ormskirk we are here to help.

Upvc Window Mechanisms
There are a number of parts that make up the locking system on a upvc window. This short video by Derek our Ormskirk Locksmith explains what they are and how they work.

Upvc Door Lock Problems
We often get calls from customers who have problems locking their Upvc or Composite door and to determine whether the problem is the multipoint lock or a door alignment we ask them to lock the door whilst it is open if the lock works ok then both the customer and ourselves know the problem is the alignment of the door. If the door will still not lock then its a new multipoint lock or centre case that is required. The attached video was provided by our Locksmith in Ormskirk Derek who describes what to look for.

Can You Lock Your Door But Cant Get The Key Out ?
If this is the case then its usually due to what our Locksmith in Ormskirk Derek calls a misaligned cam (as seen in the picture above). This is normally caused by a key being left inside of the door lock and someone trying to get in with a key on the outside. This causes the cam to slip out of position and so when locked means you are unable to get your key out. When this happens its advisable to replace your euro cylinder with a new one. At Lockkeys Locksmiths Ormskirk we provide no obligation quotes for lock replacements and our other services simply call Pam or Derek on 07967 778940 we are here for our customers because without you we wouldnt be here.

Locksmith Training Course -Starting To Pick Euro Cylinders.

Did You Know Some Nightlatches Can Be Deadlocked ?
If you have a wooden door then its likely you will have a nightlatch fitted these locks also known as "Yale Locks" have developed over the years and some models have a deadlocking function from the outside which offers the customer more security. Our Locksmith in Ormskirk Derek has done the above video which explains how to check if your current nightlatch is deadlocking one.

Reasons To Replace Your Locks
One of the frequent jobs that we do in Ormskirk is replacing locks whether thats a euro cylinder as pictured, mortice locks for wooden doors, garage door locks or even postbox locks.
Customers have many reasons for changing their locks but the majority are for one of the following reasons:
Moving into a new property (this is always advisable so that you known its only you that has keys for your property and it could be required by your home insurance ).
Lost or misplaced keys (always a good reason to replace locks as you dont know who may have picked them up).
To restrict access to your property (It could be that someone has keys to your property who you no longer wish to have access)
Victim of crime (If your keys are stolen then its always advisable to replace your locks check your insurance policy you may be covered for this).

Upvc Multipoint Door Locks
Did you know that upvc doors account for more than 70 per cent of all doors in the UK. These door normally have multiple locking points and thats why these locks are called multipoint locks. These locks are not a universal fit and with their being many different manufacturers, models and sizes we always recommend using a locksmith when these locks need to be replaced especially when a multipoint lock is obsolete and no longer available to purchase.

Secured By Design - What Does It Mean ?
You may have seen this design on your multipoint door lock or other security hardware such as door handles and wondered what it means, the simple answer is Secured By Design meaning its made to a Police Preferred Specification attempting to reduce crime by good design of security products. For further information have a look at the SBD website